2014 and Forthcoming
Clowes, R. W. (2014). "Thinking in the Cloud: The Cognitive Incorporation of Cloud-Based Technology." Philosophy and Technology. (Link)
Fonseca, J. & Gonçalves, J. (Eds) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Peter Lang, (Forthcoming)
Fonseca, J. (Forthcoming) “Empirical and conceptual clarifications regarding the notion of ‘Core-Self’ from Gallagher’s and Merker’s Behavioural-Neuroscientific Proposals.” in Gonçalves, J & Fonseca (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Peter Lang
Fonseca, J. A Tale of two paradigms: unveiling some metaphysical underpinnings of current neuroscientific study of consciousness, emotions and the self. Neurophilosophy, Self and Brain Workshop, IFLNOVA FEbruary 2014
Fonseca, J. (in preparation/under review) Neurociência, Mente e Cognição, Editora Livros Vendaval, Lisboa
Mendonça co-organising: Inaugural Conference of The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) (18th to 20th July)
Pereira, V., Faísca, L., & Sá-Saraiva, R. (submitted, under revision). Representing the self after death: afterlife beliefs and self-experience.
Pereira, V. (Forthcoming). Mindfulness and self-experience: no-self consciousness or empty-self consciousness? In J. Gonçalves & A. Gerner (Eds.) The Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience.
Pereira, V. (2014). Levels of self-awareness and modalities of self-referential processing: Between Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience. To be presented at the workshop: Neurophilosophy, Self and Brain at IFILNOVA in February (it will be submitted to international indexed journals and hopefully published late this year or next year)
Pereira, V., Hipólito, I., & Gonçalves, J. (2014).Self as Other, Others as Selves: Self and Other as mutually dependent concepts. To be presented at the international workshop “Self and Social” at the IFILNOVA in March. It should be published late this year or next year (Jorge do you know something about this?)
Hipólito, I. (Forthcoming). Mind or Body Reading? An approach through Autism Spectrum Disorder” in J. Gonçalves & A. Gerner (Eds.) The Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience.
Clowes, R. W. (2013). "The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory." Review of Philosophy and Psychology(4): 107-133.
Fonseca, J. (2013) “Realism and Emergence: a Case Study in Current Neuroscience of Fear Conditioning” at Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks, 4-6 December 2013, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (December 6)
Fonseca, J. (2013) Filosofia da Neurociência: Evidência e Causalidade na Investigação Neuro-Comportamental em ‘Condicionamento de Medo’”, at Hospital Júlio de Matos, (Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa), 17 October, 2013
Fonseca, J., (2013) "Functional, computational and neurological considerations of 'Full-Body Illusions' and what they reveal about the nature of the self" at, The Altered Self and Altered Self Experience“, Lisbon, Portugal, from 30th of May – 31st of May 2013 at the IFL, FCSH, New University of Lisbon, May 30, 2013
Gonçalves, J., Hipólito, I. (2013). "Intencionalidade e Consciência", Aulas de Internato em Medicina Psiquiática (Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa)
Hipólito, I."Minds of Others: How do We Share this Experiences? Self and Self Reference"(2013). in Cognitive Foundations of the Self Permanent Seminar
Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J. & Pereira, V. (2013) "O Si e o Espelho" in Cognitive Foundations of the Self Permanent Seminar at New University of Lisbon.
Hipólito, I."Wittgenstein's Working Method" (2013). in “Epistemological and Methodological Issues in the Later Wittgenstein” Conference
Hipólito, I., & Pereira, V. (2013, Outubro). O Autismo e o Self. Seminário Permanente do projecto "Fundamentos Cognitivos do Si". Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, FCSH-UNL, Lisboa, Portugal.
Pereira, V. (2013, Novembro). Autismo: uma perturbação do Self? Comunicação apresentada no seminário do Internato de Psiquiatria, coordenado pelo Prof. Doutor Cabral Fernandes, numa parceira com o projecto "Fundamentos Cognitivos do Si" IFL, FSCH-UNL. Hospital Júlio de Matos, Lisboa, Portugal.
Pereira, V. (2013). Self-consciousness and psychological distress: the dark side of objective self-awareness. Presented at the workshop: “Alterações da Experiência de Si” at IFL, FCSH-UNL.
Clowes, R. W. (2012). Hybrid Memory, Cognitive Technology and Self. Proceedings of AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012. Y. Erdin and M. Bishop.
Clowes, R. W., & Chrisley, R. (2012). Virtualist Representation. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 04(02), 503-522.
Fonseca (2012) “Some Conjectures on the Evolutionary Origins of Body-Schema and Body-Image” at Thinking with Shaun Gallagher: Lisbon Workshop on Embodiment, Self and Agency, March 1 - 2, 2012
Pereira, V., Faísca, L., & Sá-Saraiva, R. (2012). Immortality of the Soul as an Intuitive Idea: Towards a psychological explanation of the origins of afterlife beliefs. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 12, 101-128.
Fonseca, J. (2011) “The Mind-Body Problem and Current Behavioral-Neuroscience on Fear-Conditioning”, at Neuropsychophysiology Lab (NPL), Universidade do Minho, Braga, November 16.
Fonseca , J. (2011) “Realismo Epistémico, Conhecimento da Primeira Pessoa e Prática Neurocientífica” at Colóquio Conhecimento de Si, Crença e Evidência, FCSH/IFL,19 October 2011
Fonseca, J. (2011) “Multiple Realization as Heuristic in Psycho-Neural Explanation” at Contemporary Philosophy Research in Progress Seminar, IFL Lisbon, 30 June.
Morse, A. F., Herrera, C., Clowes, R., Montebelli, A., & Ziemke, T. (2011). The role of robotic modelling in cognitive science. New Ideas in Psychology.
Chrisley, R., Clowes, R. W., & Torrance, S. (2011). Machine Consciousness: Self, Integration and Explanation, York.
Fonseca, J., (2009) “Core-Self’ as a theoretical term in Behavioural Neuroscience” at the international conference Metaphysics of the Self, IFL Lisbon, 10 and 11 of December. 2009
Fonseca, J. & Gartner, K. (2009) “The Relativity of the Identity of the Self”, in The Reasoner, vol. 3, number 9, 8-9.
Clowes, R. W., & Seth, A. (2008). Axioms, properties and criteria: Roles for synthesis in the science of consciousness. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 44(2), 91-104.
Fonseca, J. (2008) “On the non-elimination of mental states by adopting a ruthless-reductive stance” in Proceedings of the Tilburg-Sidney international conference on Reduction and the Special Sciences. PhilSci Archive (University of Pittsburgh). http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00003924/
Fonseca, J. (2008) A model/semantic approach to neuroscientific explanation”, Philosophy of Language and Communication Group meeting, Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2008, October 29th
Clowes, R. W. (2007). A Self-Regulation Model of Inner Speech and its Role in the Organisation of Human Conscious Experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14(7), 59-71.
Fonseca, J. (2007) “Is Philosophy of Mind Holding Neuroscience Back? The Case of Fear”, at the international workshop Emotion, Cognition and Communication, João Fonseca and Jorge Gonçalves (orgs.). December 19 – 20 , Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2007 (December 19).
Torrance, S., Clowes, R., & Chrisley, R. (Eds.). (2007). Machine Consciousness: Embodiment and Imagination, Special Issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies (Vol. 14, Number 7).
Fonseca, J. (2006) “De Uma Semântica Conceptual para uma Neurosemântica: apresentação e discussão crítica da contenda Fodor & Lepore vs Paul Churchland a propósito da noção de similaridade de significado” Filosofia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras, II Série, Vol XXIII/XXIV, Universidade do Porto, 69-86, 2008 and in Análise, Série II, nº 2, pp 71-94.
Fonseca, J. (2006)"Ruthless Reductionism vs. New Mechanism on reductive explanation and neuroscientific discovery", at ENFA 3, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon June 2-4. 2006 (June 3rd).
Fonseca, J. (2006) “Uma Abordagem Anti-Realista Contra a Reformulação do Problema Mente-Corpo Segundo uma perspectiva Reducionista-Interteórica", in Sofia Miguéns, José Alberto Pinto e Carlos Mauro (eds.) Analyses: proceedings of the 2nd National Meeting for Analytic Philosophy, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, pp 124-133.
Chrisley, R., Clowes, R. W., & Torrance, S. (2005). Proceedings of the Symposium on Next Generation approaches to Machine Consciousness: Imagination, Development, Intersubjectivity, and Embodiment, AISB-05. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire.
Clowes, R. W. and A. Morse (2005). Scaffolding Cognition with Words. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. L. Berthouze, F. Kaplan, H. Kozimaet al. Nara, Japan, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 123. Lund: LUCS.: 102-105.
Clowes, R. (2007). "Semiotic symbols and the missing theory of thinking." Interaction Studies 8(1): 105-124.
Fonseca, J. (2005) "Donald Davidson on Mental States, Realism and Neuroscientific Explanation" in João Sàágua (ed) Proceedings of Mind and Action III, The Explanation of Human Interpretation, Colibri, Lisboa, 271-280, 2005
Fonseca, J. (2004) “On Bickle´s Failure to Give a Formal Account of the Location in the New Wave Reductionist Spectrum”, in Disputatio. vol.1, nº17, 65-73.
Fonseca, J. (2003) Review of "Churchland, P.S.; Brain-Wise; Studies in Neurophilosophy", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº13, pp 79-87.
Fonseca, J. (2003) “A um cérebro minimal corresponde uma racionalidade minimal?”, Cadernos de Filosofia nº 14, pp 35-53.
Fonseca (2003) "Active Externalism and Psychoneural Reduction", at the international conference "Where is Your Head At? Mental Processes, Communication and Rules". Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences and Italian Society for Analytical Philosophy (orgs.). Vietri sul Mare, Italy. October 2-4.
Fonseca, J. (2002) "Neurorepresentação e Neurocomputação; A Naturalização da Mente", at the Permanent Seminar of Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2002 (February 14).
Fonseca, J. (2001) "Donald Davidson, Realist or Instrumentalist?: The Role of Consciousness in Mental States Ascriptions", at "Mind and Action III: The Explanation of Human Interpretation", Lisbon, João Sàágua (org). Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2001 (May 25th)
Fonseca, J. (1999) Review of "Churchland, P.M.; The Engine of Reason, The Seat of The Soul: a Philosophical Journey into the Brain", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº5, pp 143-160.
Fonseca, J. (1997) Review of "Bechtel & Abrahamsen: Connectionism and The Mind: An Introduction to Parallel Processing in Networks", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº2, pp 141-147.
Clowes, R. W. (2014). "Thinking in the Cloud: The Cognitive Incorporation of Cloud-Based Technology." Philosophy and Technology. (Link)
Fonseca, J. & Gonçalves, J. (Eds) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Peter Lang, (Forthcoming)
Fonseca, J. (Forthcoming) “Empirical and conceptual clarifications regarding the notion of ‘Core-Self’ from Gallagher’s and Merker’s Behavioural-Neuroscientific Proposals.” in Gonçalves, J & Fonseca (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Peter Lang
Fonseca, J. A Tale of two paradigms: unveiling some metaphysical underpinnings of current neuroscientific study of consciousness, emotions and the self. Neurophilosophy, Self and Brain Workshop, IFLNOVA FEbruary 2014
Fonseca, J. (in preparation/under review) Neurociência, Mente e Cognição, Editora Livros Vendaval, Lisboa
Mendonça co-organising: Inaugural Conference of The European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) (18th to 20th July)
Pereira, V., Faísca, L., & Sá-Saraiva, R. (submitted, under revision). Representing the self after death: afterlife beliefs and self-experience.
Pereira, V. (Forthcoming). Mindfulness and self-experience: no-self consciousness or empty-self consciousness? In J. Gonçalves & A. Gerner (Eds.) The Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience.
Pereira, V. (2014). Levels of self-awareness and modalities of self-referential processing: Between Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience. To be presented at the workshop: Neurophilosophy, Self and Brain at IFILNOVA in February (it will be submitted to international indexed journals and hopefully published late this year or next year)
Pereira, V., Hipólito, I., & Gonçalves, J. (2014).Self as Other, Others as Selves: Self and Other as mutually dependent concepts. To be presented at the international workshop “Self and Social” at the IFILNOVA in March. It should be published late this year or next year (Jorge do you know something about this?)
Hipólito, I. (Forthcoming). Mind or Body Reading? An approach through Autism Spectrum Disorder” in J. Gonçalves & A. Gerner (Eds.) The Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience.
Clowes, R. W. (2013). "The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory." Review of Philosophy and Psychology(4): 107-133.
Fonseca, J. (2013) “Realism and Emergence: a Case Study in Current Neuroscience of Fear Conditioning” at Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks, 4-6 December 2013, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal (December 6)
Fonseca, J. (2013) Filosofia da Neurociência: Evidência e Causalidade na Investigação Neuro-Comportamental em ‘Condicionamento de Medo’”, at Hospital Júlio de Matos, (Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa), 17 October, 2013
Fonseca, J., (2013) "Functional, computational and neurological considerations of 'Full-Body Illusions' and what they reveal about the nature of the self" at, The Altered Self and Altered Self Experience“, Lisbon, Portugal, from 30th of May – 31st of May 2013 at the IFL, FCSH, New University of Lisbon, May 30, 2013
Gonçalves, J., Hipólito, I. (2013). "Intencionalidade e Consciência", Aulas de Internato em Medicina Psiquiática (Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa)
Hipólito, I."Minds of Others: How do We Share this Experiences? Self and Self Reference"(2013). in Cognitive Foundations of the Self Permanent Seminar
Hipólito, I., Gonçalves, J. & Pereira, V. (2013) "O Si e o Espelho" in Cognitive Foundations of the Self Permanent Seminar at New University of Lisbon.
Hipólito, I."Wittgenstein's Working Method" (2013). in “Epistemological and Methodological Issues in the Later Wittgenstein” Conference
Hipólito, I., & Pereira, V. (2013, Outubro). O Autismo e o Self. Seminário Permanente do projecto "Fundamentos Cognitivos do Si". Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, FCSH-UNL, Lisboa, Portugal.
Pereira, V. (2013, Novembro). Autismo: uma perturbação do Self? Comunicação apresentada no seminário do Internato de Psiquiatria, coordenado pelo Prof. Doutor Cabral Fernandes, numa parceira com o projecto "Fundamentos Cognitivos do Si" IFL, FSCH-UNL. Hospital Júlio de Matos, Lisboa, Portugal.
Pereira, V. (2013). Self-consciousness and psychological distress: the dark side of objective self-awareness. Presented at the workshop: “Alterações da Experiência de Si” at IFL, FCSH-UNL.
Clowes, R. W. (2012). Hybrid Memory, Cognitive Technology and Self. Proceedings of AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012. Y. Erdin and M. Bishop.
Clowes, R. W., & Chrisley, R. (2012). Virtualist Representation. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 04(02), 503-522.
Fonseca (2012) “Some Conjectures on the Evolutionary Origins of Body-Schema and Body-Image” at Thinking with Shaun Gallagher: Lisbon Workshop on Embodiment, Self and Agency, March 1 - 2, 2012
Pereira, V., Faísca, L., & Sá-Saraiva, R. (2012). Immortality of the Soul as an Intuitive Idea: Towards a psychological explanation of the origins of afterlife beliefs. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 12, 101-128.
Fonseca, J. (2011) “The Mind-Body Problem and Current Behavioral-Neuroscience on Fear-Conditioning”, at Neuropsychophysiology Lab (NPL), Universidade do Minho, Braga, November 16.
Fonseca , J. (2011) “Realismo Epistémico, Conhecimento da Primeira Pessoa e Prática Neurocientífica” at Colóquio Conhecimento de Si, Crença e Evidência, FCSH/IFL,19 October 2011
Fonseca, J. (2011) “Multiple Realization as Heuristic in Psycho-Neural Explanation” at Contemporary Philosophy Research in Progress Seminar, IFL Lisbon, 30 June.
Morse, A. F., Herrera, C., Clowes, R., Montebelli, A., & Ziemke, T. (2011). The role of robotic modelling in cognitive science. New Ideas in Psychology.
Chrisley, R., Clowes, R. W., & Torrance, S. (2011). Machine Consciousness: Self, Integration and Explanation, York.
Fonseca, J., (2009) “Core-Self’ as a theoretical term in Behavioural Neuroscience” at the international conference Metaphysics of the Self, IFL Lisbon, 10 and 11 of December. 2009
Fonseca, J. & Gartner, K. (2009) “The Relativity of the Identity of the Self”, in The Reasoner, vol. 3, number 9, 8-9.
Clowes, R. W., & Seth, A. (2008). Axioms, properties and criteria: Roles for synthesis in the science of consciousness. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 44(2), 91-104.
Fonseca, J. (2008) “On the non-elimination of mental states by adopting a ruthless-reductive stance” in Proceedings of the Tilburg-Sidney international conference on Reduction and the Special Sciences. PhilSci Archive (University of Pittsburgh). http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00003924/
Fonseca, J. (2008) A model/semantic approach to neuroscientific explanation”, Philosophy of Language and Communication Group meeting, Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2008, October 29th
Clowes, R. W. (2007). A Self-Regulation Model of Inner Speech and its Role in the Organisation of Human Conscious Experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 14(7), 59-71.
Fonseca, J. (2007) “Is Philosophy of Mind Holding Neuroscience Back? The Case of Fear”, at the international workshop Emotion, Cognition and Communication, João Fonseca and Jorge Gonçalves (orgs.). December 19 – 20 , Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2007 (December 19).
Torrance, S., Clowes, R., & Chrisley, R. (Eds.). (2007). Machine Consciousness: Embodiment and Imagination, Special Issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies (Vol. 14, Number 7).
Fonseca, J. (2006) “De Uma Semântica Conceptual para uma Neurosemântica: apresentação e discussão crítica da contenda Fodor & Lepore vs Paul Churchland a propósito da noção de similaridade de significado” Filosofia, Revista da Faculdade de Letras, II Série, Vol XXIII/XXIV, Universidade do Porto, 69-86, 2008 and in Análise, Série II, nº 2, pp 71-94.
Fonseca, J. (2006)"Ruthless Reductionism vs. New Mechanism on reductive explanation and neuroscientific discovery", at ENFA 3, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon June 2-4. 2006 (June 3rd).
Fonseca, J. (2006) “Uma Abordagem Anti-Realista Contra a Reformulação do Problema Mente-Corpo Segundo uma perspectiva Reducionista-Interteórica", in Sofia Miguéns, José Alberto Pinto e Carlos Mauro (eds.) Analyses: proceedings of the 2nd National Meeting for Analytic Philosophy, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, pp 124-133.
Chrisley, R., Clowes, R. W., & Torrance, S. (2005). Proceedings of the Symposium on Next Generation approaches to Machine Consciousness: Imagination, Development, Intersubjectivity, and Embodiment, AISB-05. Hatfield: University of Hertfordshire.
Clowes, R. W. and A. Morse (2005). Scaffolding Cognition with Words. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. L. Berthouze, F. Kaplan, H. Kozimaet al. Nara, Japan, Lund University Cognitive Studies, 123. Lund: LUCS.: 102-105.
Clowes, R. (2007). "Semiotic symbols and the missing theory of thinking." Interaction Studies 8(1): 105-124.
Fonseca, J. (2005) "Donald Davidson on Mental States, Realism and Neuroscientific Explanation" in João Sàágua (ed) Proceedings of Mind and Action III, The Explanation of Human Interpretation, Colibri, Lisboa, 271-280, 2005
Fonseca, J. (2004) “On Bickle´s Failure to Give a Formal Account of the Location in the New Wave Reductionist Spectrum”, in Disputatio. vol.1, nº17, 65-73.
Fonseca, J. (2003) Review of "Churchland, P.S.; Brain-Wise; Studies in Neurophilosophy", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº13, pp 79-87.
Fonseca, J. (2003) “A um cérebro minimal corresponde uma racionalidade minimal?”, Cadernos de Filosofia nº 14, pp 35-53.
Fonseca (2003) "Active Externalism and Psychoneural Reduction", at the international conference "Where is Your Head At? Mental Processes, Communication and Rules". Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences and Italian Society for Analytical Philosophy (orgs.). Vietri sul Mare, Italy. October 2-4.
Fonseca, J. (2002) "Neurorepresentação e Neurocomputação; A Naturalização da Mente", at the Permanent Seminar of Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2002 (February 14).
Fonseca, J. (2001) "Donald Davidson, Realist or Instrumentalist?: The Role of Consciousness in Mental States Ascriptions", at "Mind and Action III: The Explanation of Human Interpretation", Lisbon, João Sàágua (org). Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem, 2001 (May 25th)
Fonseca, J. (1999) Review of "Churchland, P.M.; The Engine of Reason, The Seat of The Soul: a Philosophical Journey into the Brain", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº5, pp 143-160.
Fonseca, J. (1997) Review of "Bechtel & Abrahamsen: Connectionism and The Mind: An Introduction to Parallel Processing in Networks", in Cadernos de Filosofia nº2, pp 141-147.